Good Boundaries and Goodbyes: Loving Others Without Losing the Best of Who You Are Audiobook

Original price was: $21.99.Current price is: $7.80.

(266802 customer reviews)




Audio Length

7.50 hours

Release Date

November 2022


Unabridged Audiobook


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Publisher Description

Relationships are wonderful . . . until they’re not. Join #1 New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst as she helps you stop the dysfunction of unhealthy relationships by showing you biblical ways to set boundaries–and, when necessary, say goodbye–without losing the best of who you are. Is it unloving or selfish to set a boundary? Are Christians ever called to walk away from a relationship thats no longer safe or sustainable? Lysa TerKeurst deeply understands these hard questions in the midst of relational struggles. But after thousands of hours of counseling intensives and extensive theological research that transformed the way she defined healthy relationships, Lysa is now more committed than ever to loving people well without losing the best of who she is. She wants to help you do the same. In these pages Lysa will help you: Understand the five factors to remember when implementing healthy boundaries. Determine the appropriate amount of personal and emotional access someone has to you based on how responsible they’ll be with that access. Stop being misled and emotionally paralyzed by wrongly interpreted or weaponized scriptures that perpetuate unhealthy dynamics in difficult relationships. Overcome the frustrating cycle of ineffective boundary-setting with realistic scripts and practical strategies to help you communicate, keep, and implement healthier patterns. Be equipped to say goodbye without guilt when a relationship has shifted from difficult to destructive and is no longer sustainable. Receive therapeutic wisdom you can trust directly from Lysas Christian counselor Jim Cress, who weighs in throughout the book. You’ll be relieved to learn that boundaries aren’t just a good idea, they’re a God idea. Download and start listening now!

266802 reviews

266802 reviews for Good Boundaries and Goodbyes: Loving Others Without Losing the Best of Who You Are Audiobook

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  1. Rachel Hanes

    I read “It’s Not Supposed To Be This Way”, by Lysa Terkeurst several years ago, and I have tried to read each new release she has had since. That book spoke to me and touched me more than any other book I have ever read. With this latest release being about boundaries, I knew I better read (and study) this book as well!

    “Good Boundaries and Goodbyes” is about learning how to set boundaries for yourself without feeling like a bad person for doing so. TerKeurst also provides scripture verses to back up the fact that we can still be a Christian, and have boundaries in place. I NEEDED this book as I’ve been a people pleaser for most of my life. I just wish that I would have had this book many years ago when I didn’t know any better. I needed to hear, “Someone else being disappointed doesn’t make us a disappointment”. If only I could go back and tell my younger self this…

    This book has so many quotes and passages that I have written down. Which brings me to the point of saying that I wish I would have read this book in physical form so that I could highlight and underline everything that spoke to me (which after this review, I am going to purchase this book!).

    If you are a fan of Lysa Terkeurst and of self-help books (in this case spiritual), and are in need of setting some boundaries, then I definitely recommend reading this book. I will leave this review with just a few more of my favorite quotes.

    “Trauma isn’t something that happens to you. It happens in you.”
    “Where there is an abundance of chaos, there is usually a lack of good boundaries.”
    And my favorite, “Hallmark movies are unrealistic- life doesn’t tie up in a neat, nice bow”.

  2. Christy

    I don’t read a ton of ‘self help’ type books, but Lisa TerKeurst does such an amazing job with them. Good Boundaries and Goodbyes was a much needed book for me. As a Christian and a people pleaser, boundaries is something I can have a hard time with. Setting them for people I care about specifically. This was really helpful not only from Lysa’s perspective and story, but the end of each chapter also had a note from her therapist, Jim Cress.

  3. Mandy

    Lysa’s books always make me feel so many things. She has a way of being relatable with her experiences and advice that makes me feel seen/heard and like I could actually get through the things that are discussed in this book. Although the biblical parts no longer apply to me, I loved the foundation what Good Boundaries and Goodbye stood on. My heart broke for her a bit as I read about her divorce, especially after reading the book where she had reconciled with her husband. She has gone through so much. I specifically wanted this to be my last read of January (hence why I took my sweet time reading it) and I am so glad I did. I will need a physical copy of it to go back and reference easily. So many good nuggets and quotes that I really needed to hear and I’m sure I will again in the future.

  4. Rachelle Cobb

    I can’t remember the last time I read a nonfiction book so quickly. Or any book so quickly midweek. Or highlighted a book so many times!

    From the depth of her pain, Lysa brings a book so many women will benefit from in the years to come. A biblical, well-written, strong guide to sift through setting boundaries in the most excruciating of circumstances.

  5. Katie Inge

    I really liked the structure of this book. She ended each chapter with advice from a Christian counselor, important quotes from the chapter, scripture, a prayer, and questions to reflect on.

    I loved at the end how she went over passages in scripture that people tend to use incorrectly, and she went over what they actually mean in context.

    Super helpful book on healthy boundaries!

  6. Kimberly Dougherty

    “What hurts us will not be our full story. And this broken world isn’t our final destination. With God, there’s so much more.”

    “Like God, we must require from people the responsibility necessary to grant the amount of access we allow them to have in our lives.”

    “Say what you mean, mean what you say, and don’t say it mean.”

    Lysa does not cryptically write about her struggles. She is honest and willing to share her life so that others may know that they are not alone. By willingly share her heartbreaks, she speaks with the empathy and love of someone who has been there. I think this book is the best one of hers that I have read so far and I appreciate her honesty and vulnerability.

  7. Caleb Todd

    An assertive, sound, and practical resource for those unsure of how to safely address and respond to relational abuse and exploitation. TerKeurst shares how boundaries in friendship and marriage aren’t the means to control or change others, but how they are essential to protect one’s own integrity and health in damaging toxic relationships.

    The target audience for this book are women who have experienced domestic abuse and who likely have also had scripture wielded against them as a pacifying force, so my experience as a twentysomething married man was a bit disconnected from the full force of TerKeurst’s writing pathos. Accordingly, there was alot of fluff in the book intended to lighten up a gutwrenching subject. Nonetheless the core content was full of Biblical empowerment, counseling expertise, and realistic vision for the costly road to healing.

  8. Katie Cooper

    This was an incredibly helpful book on boundaries and hard conversations. The practical advice and counsel on boundary setting was invaluable, and I appreciated the scripts that were included. I do wish some of the scriptural/theological support in the chapters had been fleshed out differently. Sometimes it felt like verses were stretched to fit whatever point the author was trying to make which didn’t sit right with me. Even with that critique, I’m grateful for Lysa & Jim’s work in creating this resource & will be definitely referring back to it again in the future.

  9. Jordan Taylor

    Wow. Easily one of the best Christian books I’ve ever read. Lysa Terkeurst continues to stun me with her theological insight and unpacking of often quoted (and misinterpreted) verses in Scripture. Good Boundaries and Goodbyes walks readers through navigating difficult questions like, How do you establish boundaries in relationships? Are boundaries biblical? (Spoiler alert: They are!) How do you know when it’s a difficult relationship vs. a habitually destructive one? When is it appropriate to say goodbye? Is it biblical to say goodbye? (Again, spoiler alert: Yes!)
    “Boundaries” seems to be a hot button issue lately in modern psychology, so I was delighted to see Lysa appropriately tackle this through the lens of Scripture. I was moved to tears many times. I can’t recommend this book highly enough for those who need help navigating difficult relationships and overcoming people pleasing.

  10. Provin Martin

    As a Christian I find it hard to set rules boundaries and consequences – even if it is to protect myself. Sometimes it seems like the number one goal of Christianity is to bend over backwards and do everything you can for others (even if they are rude, disrespectful, and it interferes with your own life). Thanks to Lisa Terkeurst I have learned boundaries and consequences are a godly structure. God allowed Adam and Eve to live in the garden of Eden with only one boundary. Do not eat the fruit from this specific tree. And when they chose to eat from the tree that God asked them not to, he had to inflict consequences for their actions. Implementing healthy boundaries is hard and stressful. But thanks to this book I have been able to restructure various parts of my life in order to protect myself and live the life I want to. I highly recommend this book if you were having trouble setting boundaries in any relationship. It can help you with children, spouses, parents and friends. With Lysa and the lords help, you can learn about biblical boundaries and see where boundaries in your own life may be beneficial. I also enjoyed the study guide and videos.

  11. Janay

    I highly recommend! I went into reading this book unsure of what I would glean, but knowing that I needed to read it. This book offers so many thought provoking sentences and paragraphs. There are so many things to highlight, study along-side the truth of God’s Word, and ponder deeply. I ended my reading feeling more assure of who I am in Christ, and non-apologetic about the boundaries that need to be set in my life for the good of myself and little family as a whole.

    What stood out to me is how to set boundaries and be confident it is a godly/Biblical choice instead of fumbling emotionally and mentally because of trying to please everyone in my life. But know that this book has SO much more to glean. It is most definitely a book I will be picking up to read multiple times throughout my life.

    Here are a few phrases/sentences that completely altered my state of thinking and helped me further combat the ever life debilitating tendency of people-pleasing that I have struggled with for so long:

    “Adults inform. Children explain”

    “Boundaries are not just a good thing; they are a God thing.”

    “Love can be unconditional but relational access never should be.”

    “It’s my responsibility not to let another’s personal actions and expectations wear me down to the worst version of myself.”

    “When God is the source of our identity, we are much less prone to others feeding our insecurity.”

  12. Cassie Sparks

    I’ve read 90+ books this year. But THIS is the book that will change my life. My “word” for this year was boundaries. I slowly but surely worked to set up healthy boundaries in all sorts of areas in my life: family, physical health, and friendships. I was ending this year feeling way healthier mentally than ever before. This book being the “bookend” to my year is so fitting. I was reassured all the work I did this year personally was worth it. I am moving in the right direction to be a better version of not me, but of Jesus! The way Lysa writes about how God set up boundaries gave me the insight I needed to keep pressing on into 2023. To keep setting up boundaries in life and relationships that are going to keep me on the path He has for me.

    Just trust me. Read this one. Let it soak into your soul.

  13. Rebecca Ketterer

    *Update after reading got a second time: I still agree with my previous review, but I needed to read the book again. Through an online Bible study, I had access to teaching videos from both Lysa and her counselor (Jim Cress – he is so great!) that helped drive points home further. Upon reading it this time, there were many things that I needed to work through with my own therapist. Lysa does encourage that in the book and I am very thankful for that because if you struggle with difficult or destructive relationships, you will need that personal support.

    Lysa TerKeurst makes so many excellent points, based on scriptures, that apply to many types of relationships where boundaries are needed. As a Christian, I relate to the struggles she mentions of establishing boundaries and love. On one hand, you want to be that person who is forgiving of others who have hurt you, but when someone consistently does so, boundaries are needed. I am very thankful for the vulnerability and humility Lysa writes with and feel confident that there are concepts from this book I can apply to many difficult situations.

  14. morgan anne

    I believe she wrote this beautifully and with a whole lotta grace. There were moments as if I could feel and hear the pain in her voice while reading the words she wrote. I, myself, am in a difficult season and have often wondered if boundaries are biblical and this book really gave me a greater understanding of how boundaries (when necessary) in a relationship might just allow those to show a greater extension of Christs’ love for one another.

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