Spare Audiobook


(515502 customer reviews)




Audio Length

15.75 hours

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Unabridged Audiobook


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Does anyone even discuss anything else? Prince Harry has truly unleashed all his punches in “Spare,” and if you’re hesitant about listening, well, here’s your sign to give it a go. The audiobook is narrated by the red-haired prince himself, holding nothing back (seriously, you’ll hear everything from a king in boxer shorts doing headstands to alleviate nerve pain, to the details of his personal struggles with frostbite in certain areas).

It’s common knowledge that Harry and Meghan’s relationship with the royal family has been filled with drama, but hearing everything from Harry’s perspective and understanding the events leading up to their departure from Windsor (even predating Meghan’s involvement) reveals how this break had been brewing for decades.

Surprisingly, the true antagonist in Harry’s narrative is not his distant and critical family or the pressures of being born into royalty; it’s the media. Despite the arguments of being a “poor little rich boy,” we never truly considered the intrusiveness of constantly being pursued from birth simply due to one’s birth into a specific family.

We all remember the role the paparazzi played in Princess Diana’s death, and it’s this legacy that continues to haunt Harry to this day. It was also the biased and sometimes malicious portrayal of his wife by the press that ultimately drove him to the painful decision of severing ties and walking away.

This is not to imply that Harry’s family emerges unscathed in his revealing account. Distant, reserved, and seemingly willing to sacrifice Harry’s reputation for the sake of their own, his family’s dirty laundry is laid bare for all to see (we’re looking at you, Camilla). Above all else, the book delves into the life of a boy turned man who, despite his best efforts, cannot escape the clutches of his family, be it through societal or social pressures. He is pigeonholed from birth as second best. How does one establish their own identity under the weight of predetermined expectations, specifically the notion that they are expendable?

The royal family is said to be hurt and embarrassed by the revelations exposed by Harry, but it’s difficult not to see their embarrassment as an admission that everything Harry reveals is true. While their current approach is to deny everything (“never explain, never complain”), it appears that Harry has made a compelling argument for a fresher, more transparent interpretation of royalty. To borrow a phrase from Taylor Swift, “we’ve never heard silence quite this loud.”

Publisher Description

It was one of the most searing images of the twentieth century: two young boys, two princes, walking behind their mothers coffin as the world watched in sorrowand horror. As Princess Diana was laid to rest, billions wondered what Prince William and Prince Harry must be thinking and feelingand how their lives would play out from that point on. For Harry, this is that story at last. Before losing his mother, twelve-year-old Prince Harry was known as the carefree one, the happy-go-lucky Spare to the more serious Heir. Grief changed everything. He struggled at school, struggled with anger, with lonelinessand, because he blamed the press for his mothers death, he struggled to accept life in the spotlight. At twenty-one, he joined the British Army. The discipline gave him structure, and two combat tours made him a hero at home. But he soon felt more lost than ever, suffering from post-traumatic stress and prone to crippling panic attacks. Above all, he couldnt find true love. Then he met Meghan. The world was swept away by the couples cinematic romance and rejoiced in their fairy-tale wedding. But from the beginning, Harry and Meghan were preyed upon by the press, subjected to waves of abuse, racism, and lies. Watching his wife suffer, their safety and mental health at risk, Harry saw no other way to prevent the tragedy of history repeating itself but to flee his mother country. Over the centuries, leaving the Royal Family was an act few had dared. The last to try, in fact, had been his mother. . . . For the first time, Prince Harry tells his own story, chronicling his journey with raw, unflinching honesty. A landmark publication, Spare is full of insight, revelation, self-examination, and hard-won wisdom about the eternal power of love over grief.

515502 reviews

515502 reviews for Spare Audiobook

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  1. Stephanie Hames (verified owner)

    30 pages in and it’s heart breaking. 100 pages in and it’s raw. The most you read, the more you can’t put it down.
    Harry shows the world with his book that he’s taking ownership of his story, in his own words.
    He comes off incredibly down to earth, accepting his faults, and humbling himself in a way unseen from a royal. I’d have a beer with him.

  2. Susan Tunis (verified owner)

    Very long, very boring. How can a guy who’s lived this life be so boring!?

    I listened to the author read the nearly 16 hour audiobook, and let’s just say he’s not a dynamic reader. Nor does he appear to have much sense of humor. Mostly, he just comes across as a really messed up kid. And, yes, there are very concrete reasons why this kid is messed up.

    But in the end, it’s a little hard to feel sorry for him. There’s just too much airing of dirty laundry, too much “woe is me” as he throws every member of his family under the bus. It’s undignified. Time after time he exhibits extraordinarily poor judgement. Nazi costumes? Strip pool? Years of substance abuse (about which he’s very candid, if that’s what you want to read about). And he’s so out of touch with reality.

    But, mostly, he just seems pretty dull. Highlight: His years of military service, which reflect well on him. Lowlight: Excessive discussion of his frost-bitten penis. ‘Nuff said.

  3. Krista (verified owner) is the major theme that affects Harry – long past childhood, it ensnares him even as an adult.

    What can i say but this book is exceptionally well written…while I was reading I could feel Prince Harry pouring every emotion and you feel as though your there with him on every personal and private journey because he gives such detailed and clear descriptions.

    This book needed to be written to set it straight what is in Harry’s mind. Remember the media hounded Diana and eventually had a part in her death by driving her like an animal they were in hunt for.he gives examples of what the British media has said about him and his family as well. His hatred of the British media and paps are well justified.

    I recommend this book to anyone who has had sibling rivalries, trauma, dysfunctional families and if you want to know what it’s like living as a Spare in a Royal Monarchy

  4. Greg Wormald (verified owner)

    Well, not being a “royal watcher” or a fan of the “prejudiced press”, and having been a psychotherapist for well over 40 years, I watched Harry’s interviews with interest. What I saw was a man who had something to say.
    On Harry and Megan’s tour of Australia their demeanour and kindness to fans was good to see. I wanted to know more.
    As soon as I was able I picked up a copy and started reading—albeit too late at night to get more than the introduction read.
    It’s very well written, the story so far is more than just interesting, it’s compelling, and I can’t wait to get deeper into the book as soon as I can make the time. I’m impressed, and that’s not easy to do.

  5. Tagseen Samsodien (verified owner)

    I went into this book with an open mind. I am not particularly invested in the British monarchy, but it’s been pretty hard to exist over the past few years and not be aware of the way Harry and Meghan have made headlines around the world – the effects of which have been polarising.

    In choosing the format in which to consume this book, I decided on the audiobook because I wanted to hear Harry tell his own story. And honestly, I enjoyed every second of his telling of it. Not because it was particularly juicy or salacious, but I felt there was a genuine openness and honesty about him sharing some of the intimate details of his childhood, his life, and family dynamics that were, at times, incredibly sad and heartbreaking. The actual content of the book wasn’t even about “spilling tea” – yes, he shared some personal moments that I felt provided a lot of clarity and context, but nothing that I thought was necessarily disrespectful to anyone. Enlightening, certainly, but not ill-intentioned. At least I didn’t think so. He also didn’t shy away from addressing his own mistakes and errors in judgement. He speaks about them frankly and his remorse felt genuine.

    I’m not here to make the case that Harry is not a privileged man, or that he hasn’t had the world at his feet from the moment he was born. That’s obvious. But to be fair to Harry, he’s not making that argument either. However, having privilege doesn’t make someone unworthy of empathy. What Harry is saying is that there are loads of lies about him and his wife that have been smeared across tabloids for years – some instigated by his own family – and instead of remaining silent and allowing others to dictate his narrative, he wants to tell his own story, from his perspective. The idea that he should just turn a blind eye to falsehoods that are constantly circulated about him for clicks is absurd – would any of us continue to remain loyal to an institution that continuously lies about who we are and remains silent when unfair attacks and vicious racist rhetoric is bandied about for sport? I think not.

    And honestly, I’m not interested in listening to the opinions of 1 star reviewers who read an excerpt out of context and now think they’re qualified to share their misinformed opinions. Or people who out of spite rated a book poorly purely because they hate someone for merely breathing. To those people, check your priorities.

    No one has to like Harry or Meghan, nor does everyone have to agree with the decisions they’ve made. But the levels of hate directed at them for simply wanting to set the record straight is mind boggling to me. They have the right to share what their experiences have been like, and after 5.5 hours of listening, I can confidently say, I get it.

  6. Lois (verified owner)

    Whew, there’s a lot in this memoir. It was divided into 3 parts: childhood, soldiering & Meghan.

    I believe utterly that this is Harry’s view of what happened. I believe just as fully both his brother & father would have many corrections to this narrative.

    I think we do hear from the family in the press, especially his Dad (Pa) & Camilla, indirectly, which is cowardly.
    I believe 100% that William made the comment about the color of Archie’s skin, though the memoir never addresses it.

    One of the largest surprises was that William and Harry basically have had a nonexistent relationship since before Diana died.
    Long before Will met Kate and Harry met Meghan. Their fractured relationship really has nothing to do with either wife.

    The 2nd largest surprise was the sheer level of animosity William appears to have harbored for Harry, which is suggested to have begun in their childhood. Maybe sibling rivalry exacerbated by trauma? It comes off as incredibly petty given how much more money and power William has.

    William is an incredible bully. He never ever defends Harry but does call on him for help when he’s being bullied by mutual friends of theirs.

    Harry longs for a deeper connection to his big brother, but Will honestly wants nothing to do with him.
    Their relationship is so distant that Harry & Will go on tour or engagement in Lesotho together after Will has become engaged privately to Kate. Will never even mentioned it to Harry. Harry finds out when it’s published in the papers with the rest of the world.

    Also the family is so fucking cold that Harry’s never hugged his own grandparents. It’s implied he’s never hugged his father’s siblings either.
    Like you could melt ice on the asses of these cold hearted folks.
    I don’t even understand this kinda relationship. Bizarre and unhealthy.

    That weird story in the press about Harry inheriting his mom’s engagement ring and Wills having to ask for it to pop the question to Kate are all lies.
    The brothers also weren’t each others best men at their respective weddings, just more lies for the press.

    I was surprised that Meghan’s TV show had to have her scenes and dialogue approved by the palace before filming.
    Meghan was a fiance, not a wife, and already, her entire life was pretty much dictated by royal advisors at a palace she didn’t even receive support from.

    Both Harry and the late Queen seemed surprised that Harry needed permission to marry Meghan. This felt odd to me as I fucking know this. How do actual family members not? The Queen didn’t know which family members needed her permission to marry?

    Charles III does indeed suggest that he has no money to support Meghan after years of speaking about a ‘slimmed down monarchy including his son’s and their families’. This is shortly after setting up a trustfund for his Stepkids, Camilla’s children from her first marriage.

    The leaking between the palaces was harrowing. The Queen leaks against her family. Charles leaks against his sons. William leaks against Harry. Harry goes public with private family knowledge in puzzling and unnecessary detail.

    This entire family is a fucking mess.

    Harry is relatable with all his cannabis consumption, psychedlic and recreational drug use, drinking etc.
    He even used a tank of laughing gas when Meghan was in labor with Archie which I felt was a bit unacceptable.

    He talks about his penis, the todger, more than I’d like.

    Camilla suggested to Meg that Harry become the Governor General of Bermuda as they’re having trouble with press when their relationship first goes public. This is before they’re even engaged. So, the plan was always for them to scuttle off out of the limelight.

    Meg and Charles seem to get along well. Wills is put off Meg hugged him and didn’t bow. Kate is unbalanced by Meg’s Americanness.
    It’s mostly manufactured nonsense.

    The ludicrous disagreements between Kate & Meghan are very high school mean girl- esque. I don’t understand why Kate can’t speak up if she’s upset about the hormone cooment? It’s weird on multiple levels to call a meeting and demand an apology months later. Just weird.
    Wills gets confrontational with Meghan and she tells him politely to get his finger out of her face; suddenly Will hates Meg.

    Wills struggles to control his temper in much of this narrative. He’s petty, mean, bullying and fragile as spun glass.

    The so-called ‘Sandringham Summitt’ was a joke. Before the meeting started the Queen’s office had already drafted a press release saying Harry & Meghan were leaving.
    So the 5 options offered were never real options.
    Harry was effectively kicked out of the family.
    He was promised security and continued financial support for a year.
    It turns out that too was a lie.
    Security was removed suddenly and without advance warning.
    His own father wouldn’t even take his calls regarding this.
    Then they moved to Tyler Perry’s house but quickly needed to get their own set up and right then Charles cuts off financial help.

    It’s clear the family was trying to bully them back to the palace.
    See, removing security is what got Diana killed, no two ways about it. Her security detail would’ve never allowed what happened to her to happen.
    Charles knew that and William knew that. Not to mention his own Grandmother, the Queen.
    I’m shocked they gave so few fucks.
    Like whoa.
    Harry & Meghan’s threat level was equal to the Queens. Higher than any other member of the family and still his own father didn’t fight his loss of security or pay to replace it.

    The base toxicity in misusing power so oppressively. Then the epic level gaslighting to back it up.
    Shit with family like this, who needs enemies?

    I see why the couple is doing TV shows and writing books. Their security costs are outrageous, Harry has no marketable skills and little education. Meghan was basically a cable actress and only on 1 show at that.

    I would assume Meghan could get tons of work, but Harry is uncomfortable with her romantic scenes. I also think it is a class issue with their current titles and roles.

    So they sell access to their experiences, and honestly, I’m not mad at them. I think they are desperately trying to secure enough resources to raise their kids safely. They are also continuing philanthropic work which isn’t as helpful as most think but can be noble I guess. Philanthropy is largely a tax haven but I digress.

    At the same time, even after comparing his family to a death cult, Harry doesn’t denounce monarchy.
    He gives a couple ‘lip service’ passages to the evils of colonialism, but overall, he’s a proud Brit and a monarchist.
    I didn’t expect anything less, and that’s truthfully why I pirated this book. The Royals are OG colonists. I’m never willingly giving them money.

    I wish Harry & Meghan and their little family the best. Meghan’s the best thing that ever happened to Harry. They’re a great couple and a happy family.
    They would’ve been a huge asset to Charles III and I do think in time their experiences will have a detrimental impact on the monarchy as an institution.
    The racism is obvious and epic. It will continue to echo through The Commonwealth.
    Ah may it all end soon:)

    I’d give this a 3.75 probably rounded to a 4 but given the racists have been bombing the reviews I feel.honor bound to counteract that with a 5 star rating.

  7. Liv (verified owner)

    It’s hard to separate the writing of the memoir Spare and the choice of content, but the writing was intimate—at times funny, at times biting—and took the reader on an emotional journey.

    In every corner of Harry’s life is the shadow of his mother’s death and the grief that still hasn’t fully been processed. It is the very through-line of his story. That little boy behind the coffin is never far away from the reader’s mind.

    There are moments when your heart breaks for Harry, like when as boy, he was convinced his mother hadn’t been killed, but that it was a public hoax so that she could start her life over somewhere. Or, when as a young man, he felt the need to go repeatedly through the tunnel in Paris at the same speed that killed Princess Diana.

    There are moments of such sweetness in his memoir: his overwhelming love and respect for his grandpa, his final tender memories of his grandmother, his adoration of Africa, and his awe of being a father. Harry also takes us on a journey as he falls in love with Meghan. We feel his true excitement that he could finally have a person. There are also times when we learn more about his “todger” than we needed to know, though he points out that even the New York Times ran a piece speculating about his penis as a child (and whether he was circumcised). So, not even the privacy of his own body parts belonged to him. Still, it’s a bit much.

    But, the majority of the book covers his impressive public work and his military career, both aspects of his life endangered by being hounded by the press. It is a pattern in his life that those close to him have their lives threatened either by or because of paparazzi presence—once endangering a whole unit in Iran—meaning that few are willing to get too close or stay that way. It’s understandable that he would want to tell his story himself. Only, maybe we could do with less of his “todger.”

    Through the first third of the book, I felt that advanced leaks from the memoir were taken out of context and that his love of his father and brother shine through. By the end, it is clear that love is still there and strong, despite the gloves being off, but that Harry is choosing to protect his own family (his wife and children) in a way that he was never chosen and protected. (These warm fuzzies do *not* extend all the way to Camilla.)

    It’s apparent in this memoir that Prince Harry let down his walls and that he was willing to be vulnerable. He paints a very clear picture of why he had to step down from his role and move to protect his family and his own well-being, but the future of his relationship with his natal family is considerably murkier.

  8. DeeLynn Onne (verified owner)

    This is just a continuation of Diana’s story.
    A powerful highly dysfunctional family uses the media to discredit one another with lies.
    It’s such a sad story… its about a family living in a type of emotional poverty they can’t even understand.
    Harry broke free enough to see there might be a better tho not as luxurious way to live. I’m happy for him..that he has some clarity.

  9. Shannon (verified owner)

    I really enjoyed this on audio!! Over 15 hours in length, it’s a big time commitment but listening to Harry share his story in his own words is totally worth it in my opinion!!

    Heartfelt and vulnerable, he shares stories from his childhood, about his mother, about life as a Royal, his military career and charitable work, meeting and falling in love with Meghan and their struggles being part of the Family and ultimately deciding to leave for their own safety and sanity.

    My respect for this couple is huge and I wish them nothing but the best! I’m sure he made a killing on this book deal but he has donated a significant amount to charities. If you are a fan of Harry or Meghan you definitely don’t want to miss this!

  10. Luv (verified owner)

    224 reviews

    January 11, 2023
    I can’t understand why so many are hating on this book. I found it fascinating. If for nothing else, it gives first person insight into an insular (and quite drafty) institution. I found Prince Harry to be quite caring and insightful. Yes, I realize it’s his story told by him via professionals who are hired to portray him in the best light. But, who can possibly imagine a lifetime under such scrutiny. He was born into a life he didn’t ask for, doesn’t want, and a life he can never truly escape.

    The little insights were truly interesting and just written as if everyone is bathed by other people, we all walk by our father’s room as he’s being dressed by his valet, or bagpipes are played at the request of our grandmother. Such a different life!

    I think living away from the royal life will be healthy. His smile seems more genuine in the interviews promoting the book than when he was forced before “the wall”.

    I do hope they scale back more and more and live a more common life. Photo opportunities where an entire village come out to dance and perform for them is one thing. Living a more humble life is another.

  11. Alexis Taft (verified owner)

    How would you feel being born as a back up or a Spare?

    Love him or hate him, Believe him or not, We all have are own throughs and view on him and these ones are mine.

    Ive never been a big fan of the Royals but ive always liked Prince Harry as i feel like he is the only one who is true and real so reading Spare just made me believe this more and have more respect for him.

    Yes hes a Prince but hes a human too he makes mistakes just like us all and in this book he tells us of them. There also some interesting (sometimes funny) stories about love, loss, life, duties, family, time served and mental health.

    I enjoyed this book so much was so nice to hear about his life from him with his vouce and words, not via the press who lie and will pull this book apart and changing the words around to suit them So why shouldnt Harry tell his story his way its his.
    This book is extremely well written, beautifully and richly detailed. The Audible is also well read by Prince Harry.

    Its heartbreaking to hear him talk about the lost of his Mother, the fall outs with his family but what respect i have for him to stand up for himself, Meghan and Kids to feel safe.

    I stronging believe that William hates the fact that he cant be more free as hes next in line for king. Also i believe that Kate didnt like that Meghan came into the picture and she had to share the lime light with this successful, independent woman in her own right
    and this made them turn on Harry.

    Highly recommend you read this book.
    Phenomenal and Refreshingly honest

    So i ask you again
    How would you feel being born as a back up or a Spare?

  12. Tori (verified owner)

    I have thoughts…
    To start, this book is readable, though wordy, and Harry shares a great deal of his personal life. The first section held my attention most, where he describes his childhood and then the loss of his mother. Very moving, and I teared up a few times. The rest of the book is a bit wandering, covering his time in the military and his eventual relationship with Meghan.
    The main issue I have that led me to give a 2 star rating is this. Imagine if your sibling wrote a book that was a detailed list of perceived infractions you’d committed against them for your entire lives. Most of us wouldn’t come off looking great. I don’t doubt Harry feels everything he’s written is true, and it may be. Who can say, when reading about private family issues?
    I hope he’s gotten everything off his chest, but I don’t know how he can still seek reconciliation with his family when he’s basically airing their business to the world.

  13. Annabel (verified owner)

    Putting my own personal thoughts on the monarchy aside, (and the fact that I’m nosy), Prince Harry’s “controversial” and “highly anticipated” memoir, Spare, portrays himself as a person, who is breaking generational trauma and a toxic family dynamic (because they should “never complain, never explain”).

    As a lover of history, none of what Harry describes shocked me, because he grew up in an institution that has – historically – been racist, oppressive and imperialist. Centuries worth of history is really shining through in twenty-first century Britain.

    Spare bared the similarities to the famous Burn Book from Mean Girls, because the amount of names and gossip that Harry exposes… It is quite unbelievable how much of this great gossip comes from ugly and uncovered truths.

    Throughout Spare, loss and trauma play a dominant role. His poignant memories of his mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, and finding that “mummy’s been in a car crash… They tried, darling boy. I’m afraid she didn’t make it”, were completely heartbreaking to read, particularly because I am someone who never got to experience the life of Diana when she was alive. The paparazzi slander in relation to Diana was intense, it is only right to feel anger when public figures are horrifically violated against having their own privacy. When Harry particularly writes that “they can’t break me, I thought. Is it, I wondered, because I’m already broken?”, this highlighted the greater impact of the paparazzi on his mental health as a child.

    Unfortunately, Harry doesn’t write very well, which made the memoir feel poorly executed and ill thought – if anything, there were certain details that, I felt, caused more damage than good, as it gave a glimpse of Harry’s taste for drama.

    For me, his memories of Diana were undermined by petty point-scoring in William and Harry’s sibling rivalry. In several startling confessions of their physical rifts, it proved that this picture perfect family was crumbling behind the scenes. But as “Willy and I would turn on each other”, I couldn’t stop thinking about how William was constantly being presented as the arch nemesis, whilst Harry is the victim. Even when Harry discusses his brother’s appearance in the prologue – the “alarming baldness… His famous resemblance to Mummy, which was fading with time” – it felt quite childish and petty, given that Harry mentioned in his recent interview with Tom Bradby that he hoped for reconciliation (not sure that will happen now though, Harry).

    He spared (haha sorry) us no details on his very intimate moments – from losing his virginity, to having a frostbitten penis, even doing mushrooms at Courteney Cox’s house – all of which were… Odd to read, but I suppose since Harry had been silenced for so long, everything had to be spewed out.

    Harry admits that he killed 25 Taliban members during his time as a soldier in Afghanistan, which can be seen as victorious for some, however, this can be hugely damaging, not only to the Royal Family, but to veterans and current soldiers.

    There will always be controversy over his decision to publish this memoir. When reading, a part of me felt like he needed more intense therapy sessions, rather than spilling all his trauma onto a 400+ page book, but another part of me cannot help but think how liberating this was for Harry. With every page turned in Spare, you cannot help but feel as though your heart breaks for him. I am glad he got to tell his story (as a memoir, but I think he released far too many podcasts, Netflix documentaries and interviews that pretty much say the same stuff), regardless, I still highly recommend.

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